Update 2022:

The below walk through has been developed into a python package, you can install with pip install poppygen

Example Usage:

from poppygen import PopulationGenerator
from poppygen.datasets import process_acs, process_safegraph_poi, process_pums

poi_df = process_safegraph_poi()
acs_df = process_acs()

pg = PopulationGenerator(poi_df, acs_df)

local_population = pg.generate_population(population_size=100, census_block_group=[120330001001, 120330036071])



There are many uses for synthetic populations. Modern applications utilize high performance computing in stochastic simulations to research areas, such as:

  • Disease spread
  • Information spread
  • Economics
  • Social modeling
  • Disaster response
  • Catastrophic events
  • Collective behaviors
  • Public policies
  • Graph neural networks
  • Computational social science
  • and many more.

Developing this synthetic population involves two demographic datasets, the 2019 US Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) and the 2019 US Census.

The Census is a survey based sampling of the population, however this is a marginal distribution of data records that do not account for the correlations among variables, such as, household income and education level.

The PUMS is a 1-Year and 5-Year dataset from the Census Bureau, that samples 1% of the population each year. This will be used to estimate a joint distribution of age, gender and race.

First I will walk through some preprocessing of the census data, then I will build a PopulationGenerator that will take in the size of the population one wishes to generate and the Census Block Groups (CBG) for which to sample the data from. The PopulationGenerator will use a Person class that has demographics for each sampled individual of the population.

Social Network

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import jdc
import sys
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

#set random seed to have reproducable random states
random_seed = 42

#set pandas option to view more columns
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 10000)

!where python
!python --version
!pip --version
!conda --version
#!pip list
#!conda list
#!python -m pip install --upgrade pip #if you need to upgrade pip

#Python 3.9.4
#pip 21.2.4 (python 3.9)
#conda 4.10.3
3.9.4 (default, Apr  9 2021, 09:32:38) 
[Clang 10.0.0 ]
Python 3.9.4
pip 21.2.4 from /Users/tljstewart/miniconda3/envs/ml39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)
conda 4.10.3

2019 Census Data Processing

Grab all files from data directory, (Path windows/linux agnostic)

# Build Paths to Data (windows/linux agnostic)
from pathlib import Path

datadir = Path("data/2021-10-04-usa-synthetic-population/data/safegraph/\

meta_datadir = Path("data/2021-10-04-usa-synthetic-population/data/\

data_outdir = Path("data/2021-10-04-usa-synthetic-population/data/out/")
geo_datadir = None
pattern_datadir = None

# Get data files, platform dependent ls
pums_5_year_2019_person_file = Path("data/2021-10-04-usa-synthetic-population/\

census_tract_to_puma_file = Path("data/2021-10-04-usa-synthetic-population/\

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    data_files = os.listdir(datadir)
    meta_files = os.listdir(meta_datadir)
    # Return list of files in alphanumeric order
    data_files = list(os.popen(f"ls {datadir}"))
    data_files = [file.strip("\n") for file in data_files]
    meta_files = list(os.popen(f"ls {meta_datadir}"))
    meta_files = [file.strip("\n") for file in meta_files]

Ingest Census CSV Data and Metadata Files with Pandas

dict_df = dict()
dict_df[data_files[0]] = pd.read_csv(datadir / data_files[0]) #chunksize=chunk_size)
current_data_df = dict_df[data_files[0]]

print("2019 Census Dataset")

#ls should return files in alphabetic order, but just an extra layer of certainty use this loop to get the description file
dict_meta_df = dict()
for i,f in enumerate(meta_files):
    if(f == "cbg_field_descriptions.csv"):
        dict_meta_df[meta_files[i]] = pd.read_csv(meta_datadir / meta_files[i]) #chunksize=chunk_size)
        current_meta_df = dict_meta_df[meta_files[0]]
        print("2019 Census Metadata")
2019 Census Dataset
census_block_group B01001e1 B01001m1 B01001e2 B01001m2 B01001e3 B01001m3 B01001e4 B01001m4 B01001e5 B01001m5 B01001e6 B01001m6 B01001e7 B01001m7 B01001e8 B01001m8 B01001e9 B01001m9 B01001e10 B01001m10 B01001e11 B01001m11 B01001e12 B01001m12 B01001e13 B01001m13 B01001e14 B01001m14 B01001e15 B01001m15 B01001e16 B01001m16 B01001e17 B01001m17 B01001e18 B01001m18 B01001e19 B01001m19 B01001e20 B01001m20 B01001e21 B01001m21 B01001e22 B01001m22 B01001e23 B01001m23 B01001e24 B01001m24 B01001e25 B01001m25 B01001e26 B01001m26 B01001e27 B01001m27 B01001e28 B01001m28 B01001e29 B01001m29 B01001e30 B01001m30 B01001e31 B01001m31 B01001e32 B01001m32 B01001e33 B01001m33 B01001e34 B01001m34 B01001e35 B01001m35 B01001e36 B01001m36 B01001e37 B01001m37 B01001e38 B01001m38 B01001e39 B01001m39 B01001e40 B01001m40 B01001e41 B01001m41 B01001e42 B01001m42 B01001e43 B01001m43 B01001e44 B01001m44 B01001e45 B01001m45 B01001e46 B01001m46 B01001e47 B01001m47 B01001e48 B01001m48 B01001e49 B01001m49 B01002e1 B01002m1 B01002e2 B01002m2 B01002e3 B01002m3 B01002Ae1 B01002Am1 B01002Ae2 B01002Am2 B01002Ae3 B01002Am3 B01002Be1 B01002Bm1 B01002Be2 B01002Bm2 B01002Be3 B01002Bm3 B01002Ce1 B01002Cm1 B01002Ce2 B01002Cm2 B01002Ce3 B01002Cm3 B01002De1 B01002Dm1 B01002De2 B01002Dm2 B01002De3 B01002Dm3 B01002Ee1 B01002Em1 B01002Ee2 B01002Em2 B01002Ee3 B01002Em3 B01002Fe1 B01002Fm1 B01002Fe2 B01002Fm2 B01002Fe3 B01002Fm3 B01002Ge1 B01002Gm1 B01002Ge2 B01002Gm2 B01002Ge3 B01002Gm3 B01002He1 B01002Hm1 B01002He2 B01002Hm2 B01002He3 B01002Hm3 B01002Ie1 B01002Im1 B01002Ie2 B01002Im2 B01002Ie3 B01002Im3 B01003e1 B01003m1
0 10010201001 730 222 293 87 10 12 26 25 6 10 9 13 0 12 0 12 0 12 30 31 9 15 30 32 24 23 13 14 21 26 40 34 2 4 4 7 15 15 15 16 19 21 16 25 4 6 0 12 0 12 437 171 7 11 6 9 18 17 34 36 8 13 30 43 6 10 30 44 0 12 30 36 44 38 6 10 8 11 57 57 62 39 5 7 8 9 3 5 25 27 16 17 3 5 16 18 15 23 43.3 11.6 43.4 14.2 40.9 21.5 40.8 12.4 45.0 11.0 37.9 21.1 54.5 28.3 NaN NaN 54.6 6.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.5 1.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN 40.2 12.5 44.6 15.5 37.9 21.1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 730 222
1 10010201002 1263 291 614 148 24 29 29 22 58 34 23 20 57 65 14 16 0 12 34 28 22 19 42 39 30 21 48 44 29 20 71 32 62 43 16 14 0 12 5 8 0 12 14 15 5 8 10 11 21 26 649 170 74 46 25 19 65 54 0 12 0 12 10 15 0 12 37 47 24 24 43 43 49 25 32 32 52 31 67 45 60 43 23 39 11 13 2 5 31 32 31 24 6 9 7 9 0 12 38.2 5.7 35.4 8.5 39.7 8.1 38.3 6.8 35.7 8.4 39.5 7.9 53.8 19.9 51.9 41.6 59.5 15.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.2 6.4 19.6 1.6 NaN NaN 38.1 6.9 37.0 8.4 38.6 7.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1263 291
2 10010202001 835 222 393 137 40 37 69 63 16 18 36 37 7 13 0 12 7 11 3 7 12 15 17 20 7 13 24 36 29 27 24 24 28 20 4 9 11 12 14 16 8 12 25 27 12 16 0 12 0 12 442 124 12 19 20 19 21 20 42 39 7 11 0 12 5 8 7 11 31 24 19 19 47 38 55 51 12 13 11 16 21 18 3 6 24 26 14 18 7 10 22 27 40 51 16 21 6 9 38.7 10.0 33.7 20.2 41.6 8.5 34.1 23.4 34.8 36.4 31.4 19.6 41.2 9.1 18.5 54.4 41.5 8.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.5 20.6 7.5 20.6 NaN NaN 34.7 25.3 34.8 36.4 31.9 24.3 65.6 64.9 NaN NaN 65.6 64.9 835 222
3 10010202002 1124 166 665 132 39 25 46 39 29 23 14 20 8 16 0 12 0 12 42 31 87 43 80 53 47 43 60 48 83 44 65 45 27 22 24 27 3 7 0 12 6 11 0 12 5 9 0 12 0 12 459 92 8 12 9 10 13 14 5 8 0 12 18 19 19 24 14 17 20 16 23 23 16 20 43 39 38 27 41 29 38 33 16 20 29 23 15 17 13 12 20 22 7 10 6 9 48 46 42.9 6.7 34.3 3.5 50.4 8.9 39.6 5.8 39.4 10.5 40.2 6.1 44.1 6.1 33.8 4.3 59.5 14.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 33.5 16.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 39.6 5.8 39.4 10.5 40.2 6.1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1124 166
4 10010203001 2774 330 1423 225 20 24 143 84 121 71 27 31 27 29 18 21 16 22 51 44 144 111 143 80 85 56 79 54 95 54 107 68 120 52 38 33 8 14 10 16 20 23 106 65 30 26 0 12 15 17 1351 194 35 32 115 79 99 69 53 41 4 8 0 12 0 12 35 32 101 81 117 61 111 77 123 100 56 31 78 45 154 61 24 23 36 38 0 12 26 23 54 49 68 33 35 31 27 33 37.3 3.7 36.3 5.3 40.1 7.1 37.9 5.0 37.6 4.2 40.7 12.9 41.2 5.0 46.1 15.8 40.7 4.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 33.4 30.8 NaN NaN 33.4 30.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.8 0.5 27.5 0.2 28.5 0.4 10.9 6.3 10.6 5.0 NaN NaN 37.9 5.0 37.6 4.2 40.7 12.9 27.8 0.5 27.5 0.2 28.5 0.4 2774 330
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
220328 560459511001 1450 276 734 146 76 42 44 45 49 41 23 35 0 12 0 12 0 12 18 27 66 42 38 38 27 23 29 24 50 34 20 23 36 32 84 47 26 24 27 22 12 15 20 17 22 22 27 28 40 30 716 159 67 46 24 30 49 41 36 43 6 9 0 12 15 19 16 20 31 31 25 29 44 39 25 32 77 40 36 27 27 21 55 41 46 34 21 18 9 11 31 22 28 20 36 32 12 18 45.3 8.6 43.7 9.7 45.6 9.1 45.9 6.8 46.6 10.1 45.6 9.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.4 33.4 5.6 17.1 61.5 6.6 45.8 7.0 46.2 9.7 45.6 9.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1450 276
220329 560459511002 1844 277 1116 179 14 21 25 30 64 62 0 12 61 57 46 53 2 4 14 21 23 14 115 65 90 51 44 29 87 50 77 51 133 72 54 47 60 36 24 23 109 45 54 41 20 21 0 12 0 12 728 160 19 28 65 79 48 68 0 12 9 17 20 28 0 12 0 12 29 36 38 41 42 61 22 32 29 35 120 50 59 36 9 13 59 48 12 13 9 15 65 36 20 21 35 53 19 22 50.5 7.1 47.3 7.8 52.3 8.9 50.5 7.5 47.3 7.7 52.3 8.9 55.8 40.9 55.8 40.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 64.2 13.9 64.2 13.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.7 56.1 19.7 56.1 NaN NaN 51.5 6.9 47.9 9.5 52.3 8.9 33.8 6.1 33.8 6.1 NaN NaN 1844 277
220330 560459513001 1314 359 712 196 42 40 98 80 0 12 76 75 15 20 0 12 14 24 0 12 84 47 38 39 85 59 62 50 22 21 28 34 21 24 13 20 23 22 18 19 12 10 0 12 43 48 9 14 9 15 602 192 66 46 70 69 19 26 11 19 8 13 0 12 21 29 0 12 48 42 33 38 54 62 41 61 34 25 13 20 36 29 15 18 31 29 16 17 10 13 8 14 11 18 46 51 11 18 35.5 6.5 34.4 7.4 38.3 10.8 35.8 6.8 34.9 8.0 38.3 10.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 35.8 6.8 34.9 8.0 38.3 10.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1314 359
220331 560459513002 1164 254 553 147 47 46 17 27 0 12 30 43 15 26 0 12 13 28 54 45 45 39 22 29 11 18 18 28 14 19 81 52 16 19 18 22 30 26 14 15 21 22 7 11 41 34 32 38 7 13 611 164 21 24 29 32 29 43 16 29 8 14 0 12 13 20 40 39 19 21 68 61 10 19 57 58 8 15 37 33 26 24 6 10 31 37 18 17 22 21 60 42 45 34 17 20 31 24 44.5 14.4 45.6 17.9 43.8 17.1 46.0 13.5 45.6 17.9 48.3 16.1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 46.2 13.5 46.0 18.2 48.2 16.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1164 254
220332 560459513003 1277 269 604 161 15 23 130 85 0 12 17 26 0 12 0 12 0 12 33 46 0 12 26 32 52 44 48 43 45 44 43 39 22 25 60 70 20 25 7 12 57 45 29 22 0 12 0 12 0 12 673 136 26 23 88 66 0 12 32 35 5 9 5 11 0 12 29 27 36 43 50 44 67 59 27 31 19 20 12 18 53 36 56 60 51 34 19 22 40 34 17 16 21 25 0 12 20 22 41.6 10.9 44.2 12.0 40.0 12.9 41.6 10.9 44.2 12.0 40.0 12.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 41.4 10.8 44.2 12.0 39.8 12.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1277 269

220333 rows × 161 columns

2019 Census Metadata
table_id table_number table_title table_topics table_universe field_level_1 field_level_2 field_level_3 field_level_4 field_level_5 field_level_6 field_level_7 field_level_8 field_level_9 field_level_10
0 B01001e1 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 B01001e10 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 22 to 24 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 B01001e11 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 25 to 29 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 B01001e12 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 30 to 34 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 B01001e13 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 35 to 39 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8115 C24030m55 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Female Public administration NaN NaN NaN NaN
8116 C24030m6 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Construction NaN NaN NaN NaN
8117 C24030m7 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Manufacturing NaN NaN NaN NaN
8118 C24030m8 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Wholesale trade NaN NaN NaN NaN
8119 C24030m9 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Retail trade NaN NaN NaN NaN

8120 rows × 15 columns

Drop all the columns for marginal error, and other unneeded columns

drop_marginoferror_df = current_meta_df[current_meta_df["field_level_1"] == "MarginOfError"]
drop_marginoferror_ls = list(drop_marginoferror_df["table_id"])
keep_meta_df = current_meta_df[current_meta_df["field_level_1"] != "MarginOfError"]

# Drop margin of error, axis=1 drop columns, axis=0 drop rows, axis=0 is default mode
# alternatively, axis='rows' or axis'columns' is the same as axis=0 or axis=1, respectively
thisFilter = current_data_df.filter(drop_marginoferror_ls)
current_data_df.drop(thisFilter, inplace=True, axis=1)


# Display this to see unique fields in the meta file
unique_meta_df = current_meta_df.apply(lambda col: col.unique())
B01001m1 B01001m10 B01001m11 B01001m12 B01001m13 B01001m14 B01001m15 B01001m16 B01001m17 B01001m18 B01001m19 B01001m2 B01001m20 B01001m21 B01001m22 B01001m23 B01001m24 B01001m25 B01001m26 B01001m27 B01001m28 B01001m29 B01001m3 B01001m30 B01001m31 B01001m32 B01001m33 B01001m34 B01001m35 B01001m36 B01001m37 B01001m38 B01001m39 B01001m4 B01001m40 B01001m41 B01001m42 B01001m43 B01001m44 B01001m45 B01001m46 B01001m47 B01001m48 B01001m49 B01001m5 B01001m6 B01001m7 B01001m8 B01001m9 B01002Am1 B01002Am2 B01002Am3 B01002Bm1 B01002Bm2 B01002Bm3 B01002Cm1 B01002Cm2 B01002Cm3 B01002Dm1 B01002Dm2 B01002Dm3 B01002Fm1 B01002Fm2 B01002Fm3 B01002Gm1 B01002Gm2 B01002Gm3 B01002Hm1 B01002Hm2 B01002Hm3 B01002Im1 B01002Im2 B01002Im3 B01002m1 B01002m2 B01002m3 B01003m1
0 222 31 15 32 23 14 26 34 4 7 15 87 16 21 25 6 12 12 171 11 9 17 12 36 13 43 10 44 12 36 38 10 11 25 57 39 7 9 5 27 17 5 18 23 10 13 12 12 12 12.4 11.0 21.1 28.3 NaN 6.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.8 NaN NaN 12.5 15.5 21.1 NaN NaN NaN 11.6 14.2 21.5 222
1 291 28 19 39 21 44 20 32 43 14 12 148 8 12 15 8 11 26 170 46 19 54 29 12 12 15 12 47 24 43 25 32 31 22 45 43 39 13 5 32 24 9 9 12 34 20 65 16 12 6.8 8.4 7.9 19.9 41.6 15.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.4 1.6 NaN 6.9 8.4 7.5 NaN NaN NaN 5.7 8.5 8.1 291
2 222 7 15 20 13 36 27 24 20 9 12 137 16 12 27 16 12 12 124 19 19 20 37 39 11 12 8 11 24 19 38 51 13 63 16 18 6 26 18 10 27 51 21 9 18 37 13 12 11 23.4 36.4 19.6 9.1 54.4 8.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.6 20.6 NaN 25.3 36.4 24.3 64.9 NaN 64.9 10.0 20.2 8.5 222
3 166 31 43 53 43 48 44 45 22 27 7 132 12 11 12 9 12 12 92 12 10 14 25 8 12 19 24 17 16 23 20 39 27 39 29 33 20 23 17 12 22 10 9 46 23 20 16 12 12 5.8 10.5 6.1 6.1 4.3 14.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.0 NaN NaN 5.8 10.5 6.1 NaN NaN NaN 6.7 3.5 8.9 166
4 330 44 111 80 56 54 54 68 52 33 14 225 16 23 65 26 12 17 194 32 79 69 24 41 8 12 12 32 81 61 77 100 31 84 45 61 23 38 12 23 49 33 31 33 71 31 29 21 22 5.0 4.2 12.9 5.0 15.8 4.3 NaN NaN NaN 30.8 NaN 30.8 0.5 0.2 0.4 6.3 5.0 NaN 5.0 4.2 12.9 0.5 0.2 0.4 3.7 5.3 7.1 330
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
220328 276 27 42 38 23 24 34 23 32 47 24 146 22 15 17 22 28 30 159 46 30 41 42 43 9 12 19 20 31 29 39 32 40 45 27 21 41 34 18 11 22 20 32 18 41 35 12 12 12 6.8 10.1 9.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 33.4 17.1 6.6 7.0 9.7 9.2 NaN NaN NaN 8.6 9.7 9.1 276
220329 277 21 14 65 51 29 50 51 72 47 36 179 23 45 41 21 12 12 160 28 79 68 21 12 17 28 12 12 36 41 61 32 35 30 50 36 13 48 13 15 36 21 53 22 62 12 57 53 4 7.5 7.7 8.9 40.9 40.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.9 13.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN 56.1 56.1 NaN 6.9 9.5 8.9 6.1 6.1 NaN 7.1 7.8 8.9 277
220330 359 12 47 39 59 50 21 34 24 20 22 196 19 10 12 48 14 15 192 46 69 26 40 19 13 12 29 12 42 38 62 61 25 80 20 29 18 29 17 13 14 18 51 18 12 75 20 12 24 6.8 8.0 10.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.8 8.0 10.8 NaN NaN NaN 6.5 7.4 10.8 359
220331 254 45 39 29 18 28 19 52 19 22 26 147 15 22 11 34 38 13 164 24 32 43 46 29 14 12 20 39 21 61 19 58 15 27 33 24 10 37 17 21 42 34 20 24 12 43 26 12 28 13.5 17.9 16.1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.5 18.2 16.3 NaN NaN NaN 14.4 17.9 17.1 254
220332 269 46 12 32 44 43 44 39 25 70 25 161 12 45 22 12 12 12 136 23 66 12 23 35 9 11 12 27 43 44 59 31 20 85 18 36 60 34 22 34 16 25 12 22 12 26 12 12 12 10.9 12.0 12.9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.8 12.0 12.3 NaN NaN NaN 10.9 12.0 12.9 269

220333 rows × 77 columns

census_block_group B01001e1 B01001e2 B01001e3 B01001e4 B01001e5 B01001e6 B01001e7 B01001e8 B01001e9 B01001e10 B01001e11 B01001e12 B01001e13 B01001e14 B01001e15 B01001e16 B01001e17 B01001e18 B01001e19 B01001e20 B01001e21 B01001e22 B01001e23 B01001e24 B01001e25 B01001e26 B01001e27 B01001e28 B01001e29 B01001e30 B01001e31 B01001e32 B01001e33 B01001e34 B01001e35 B01001e36 B01001e37 B01001e38 B01001e39 B01001e40 B01001e41 B01001e42 B01001e43 B01001e44 B01001e45 B01001e46 B01001e47 B01001e48 B01001e49 B01002e1 B01002e2 B01002e3 B01002Ae1 B01002Ae2 B01002Ae3 B01002Be1 B01002Be2 B01002Be3 B01002Ce1 B01002Ce2 B01002Ce3 B01002De1 B01002De2 B01002De3 B01002Ee1 B01002Em1 B01002Ee2 B01002Em2 B01002Ee3 B01002Em3 B01002Fe1 B01002Fe2 B01002Fe3 B01002Ge1 B01002Ge2 B01002Ge3 B01002He1 B01002He2 B01002He3 B01002Ie1 B01002Ie2 B01002Ie3 B01003e1
0 10010201001 730 293 10 26 6 9 0 0 0 30 9 30 24 13 21 40 2 4 15 15 19 16 4 0 0 437 7 6 18 34 8 30 6 30 0 30 44 6 8 57 62 5 8 3 25 16 3 16 15 43.3 43.4 40.9 40.8 45.0 37.9 54.5 NaN 54.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.5 NaN NaN 40.2 44.6 37.9 NaN NaN NaN 730
1 10010201002 1263 614 24 29 58 23 57 14 0 34 22 42 30 48 29 71 62 16 0 5 0 14 5 10 21 649 74 25 65 0 0 10 0 37 24 43 49 32 52 67 60 23 11 2 31 31 6 7 0 38.2 35.4 39.7 38.3 35.7 39.5 53.8 51.9 59.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.2 19.6 NaN 38.1 37.0 38.6 NaN NaN NaN 1263
2 10010202001 835 393 40 69 16 36 7 0 7 3 12 17 7 24 29 24 28 4 11 14 8 25 12 0 0 442 12 20 21 42 7 0 5 7 31 19 47 55 12 11 21 3 24 14 7 22 40 16 6 38.7 33.7 41.6 34.1 34.8 31.4 41.2 18.5 41.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.5 7.5 NaN 34.7 34.8 31.9 65.6 NaN 65.6 835
3 10010202002 1124 665 39 46 29 14 8 0 0 42 87 80 47 60 83 65 27 24 3 0 6 0 5 0 0 459 8 9 13 5 0 18 19 14 20 23 16 43 38 41 38 16 29 15 13 20 7 6 48 42.9 34.3 50.4 39.6 39.4 40.2 44.1 33.8 59.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 33.5 NaN NaN 39.6 39.4 40.2 NaN NaN NaN 1124
4 10010203001 2774 1423 20 143 121 27 27 18 16 51 144 143 85 79 95 107 120 38 8 10 20 106 30 0 15 1351 35 115 99 53 4 0 0 35 101 117 111 123 56 78 154 24 36 0 26 54 68 35 27 37.3 36.3 40.1 37.9 37.6 40.7 41.2 46.1 40.7 NaN NaN NaN 33.4 NaN 33.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.8 27.5 28.5 10.9 10.6 NaN 37.9 37.6 40.7 27.8 27.5 28.5 2774
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
220328 560459511001 1450 734 76 44 49 23 0 0 0 18 66 38 27 29 50 20 36 84 26 27 12 20 22 27 40 716 67 24 49 36 6 0 15 16 31 25 44 25 77 36 27 55 46 21 9 31 28 36 12 45.3 43.7 45.6 45.9 46.6 45.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.4 5.6 61.5 45.8 46.2 45.6 NaN NaN NaN 1450
220329 560459511002 1844 1116 14 25 64 0 61 46 2 14 23 115 90 44 87 77 133 54 60 24 109 54 20 0 0 728 19 65 48 0 9 20 0 0 29 38 42 22 29 120 59 9 59 12 9 65 20 35 19 50.5 47.3 52.3 50.5 47.3 52.3 55.8 55.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN 64.2 64.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.7 19.7 NaN 51.5 47.9 52.3 33.8 33.8 NaN 1844
220330 560459513001 1314 712 42 98 0 76 15 0 14 0 84 38 85 62 22 28 21 13 23 18 12 0 43 9 9 602 66 70 19 11 8 0 21 0 48 33 54 41 34 13 36 15 31 16 10 8 11 46 11 35.5 34.4 38.3 35.8 34.9 38.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 35.8 34.9 38.3 NaN NaN NaN 1314
220331 560459513002 1164 553 47 17 0 30 15 0 13 54 45 22 11 18 14 81 16 18 30 14 21 7 41 32 7 611 21 29 29 16 8 0 13 40 19 68 10 57 8 37 26 6 31 18 22 60 45 17 31 44.5 45.6 43.8 46.0 45.6 48.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 46.2 46.0 48.2 NaN NaN NaN 1164
220332 560459513003 1277 604 15 130 0 17 0 0 0 33 0 26 52 48 45 43 22 60 20 7 57 29 0 0 0 673 26 88 0 32 5 5 0 29 36 50 67 27 19 12 53 56 51 19 40 17 21 0 20 41.6 44.2 40.0 41.6 44.2 40.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 41.4 44.2 39.8 NaN NaN NaN 1277

220333 rows × 84 columns

table_id table_number table_title table_topics table_universe field_level_1 field_level_2 field_level_3 field_level_4 field_level_5 field_level_6 field_level_7 field_level_8 field_level_9 field_level_10
0 B01001e1 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 B01001e10 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 22 to 24 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 B01001e11 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 25 to 29 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 B01001e12 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 30 to 34 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 B01001e13 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 35 to 39 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8115 C24030m55 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Female Public administration NaN NaN NaN NaN
8116 C24030m6 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Construction NaN NaN NaN NaN
8117 C24030m7 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Manufacturing NaN NaN NaN NaN
8118 C24030m8 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Wholesale trade NaN NaN NaN NaN
8119 C24030m9 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over MarginOfError SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Retail trade NaN NaN NaN NaN

8120 rows × 15 columns

Now current_meta_df drops all MarginOfError data

current_meta_df = keep_meta_df
table_id table_number table_title table_topics table_universe field_level_1 field_level_2 field_level_3 field_level_4 field_level_5 field_level_6 field_level_7 field_level_8 field_level_9 field_level_10
0 B01001e1 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 B01001e10 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 22 to 24 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 B01001e11 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 25 to 29 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 B01001e12 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 30 to 34 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 B01001e13 B01001 Sex By Age Age and Sex Total population Estimate SEX BY AGE Total population Total Male 35 to 39 years NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8060 C24030e55 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over Estimate SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Female Public administration NaN NaN NaN NaN
8061 C24030e6 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over Estimate SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Construction NaN NaN NaN NaN
8062 C24030e7 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over Estimate SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Manufacturing NaN NaN NaN NaN
8063 C24030e8 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over Estimate SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Wholesale trade NaN NaN NaN NaN
8064 C24030e9 C24030 Sex By Industry For The Civilian Employed Popu... Age and Sex, Civilian Population, Industry Civilian employed population 16 years and over Estimate SEX BY INDUSTRY FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPU... Civilian employed population 16 years and over Total Male Retail trade NaN NaN NaN NaN

4060 rows × 15 columns

Rename current_data_df Columns

Rename current_data_df columns b0xxxx -> newlabels_list

tmp_df = current_meta_df[current_meta_df.table_id.isin(list(current_data_df.columns))].copy()
tmp_missing_df = current_meta_df[~current_meta_df.table_id.isin(list(current_data_df.columns))]
tmp_df.fillna('', inplace=True)
t = tmp_df[["field_level_2", "field_level_3", "field_level_4", "field_level_5", "field_level_6"]]
newlabels_list = list(t["field_level_2"] + " " + t["field_level_3"] + " " + t["field_level_4"] + " " + t["field_level_5"] + " " + t["field_level_6"])

newlabels_list = [x.strip() for x in newlabels_list]
newlabels_list = [x.strip('"') for x in newlabels_list]
newlabels_list = [x.replace(',',"") for x in newlabels_list]
newlabels_list = [x.replace(")","") for x in newlabels_list]
newlabels_list = [x.replace("(","") for x in newlabels_list]
newlabels_list = [x.replace(" ","_") for x in newlabels_list]
tmp_list = list(tmp_df.table_id)
newlabels_dict = dict(zip(tmp_list, newlabels_list))

cell_ran = False
if cell_ran is False:
    cell_ran = True
    current_data_df.rename(columns=newlabels_dict, inplace=True)

census_block_group SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_Under_5_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_5_to_9_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_10_to_14_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_15_to_17_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_18_and_19_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_20_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_21_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_22_to_24_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_25_to_29_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_30_to_34_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_35_to_39_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_40_to_44_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_45_to_49_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_50_to_54_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_55_to_59_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_60_and_61_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_62_to_64_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_65_and_66_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_67_to_69_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_70_to_74_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_75_to_79_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_80_to_84_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_85_years_and_over SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_Under_5_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_5_to_9_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_10_to_14_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_15_to_17_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_18_and_19_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_20_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_21_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_22_to_24_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_25_to_29_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_30_to_34_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_35_to_39_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_40_to_44_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_45_to_49_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_50_to_54_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_55_to_59_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_60_and_61_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_62_to_64_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_65_and_66_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_67_to_69_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_70_to_74_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_75_to_79_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_80_to_84_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_85_years_and_over MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_Total_population_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_Total_population_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_Total_population_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_People_who_are_White_alone_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_People_who_are_White_alone_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_People_who_are_White_alone_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_ALONE_Black_or_African_American_alone_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_ALONE_Black_or_African_American_alone_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN_ALONE_Black_or_African_American_alone_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_AMERICAN_INDIAN_AND_ALASKA_NATIVE_ALONE_People_who_are_American_Indian_and_Alaska_Native_alone_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_AMERICAN_INDIAN_AND_ALASKA_NATIVE_ALONE_People_who_are_American_Indian_and_Alaska_Native_alone_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_AMERICAN_INDIAN_AND_ALASKA_NATIVE_ALONE_People_who_are_American_Indian_and_Alaska_Native_alone_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_ASIAN_ALONE_People_who_are_Asian_alone_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_ASIAN_ALONE_People_who_are_Asian_alone_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_ASIAN_ALONE_People_who_are_Asian_alone_Median_age_Female B01002Ee1 B01002Em1 B01002Ee2 B01002Em2 B01002Ee3 B01002Em3 MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_SOME_OTHER_RACE_ALONE_People_who_are_Some_Other_Race_alone_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_SOME_OTHER_RACE_ALONE_People_who_are_Some_Other_Race_alone_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_SOME_OTHER_RACE_ALONE_People_who_are_Some_Other_Race_alone_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_TWO_OR_MORE_RACES_People_who_are_Two_or_More_Races_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_TWO_OR_MORE_RACES_People_who_are_Two_or_More_Races_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_TWO_OR_MORE_RACES_People_who_are_Two_or_More_Races_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_NOT_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_White_alone_not_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_NOT_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_White_alone_not_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_WHITE_ALONE_NOT_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_White_alone_not_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Female MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Total MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Male MEDIAN_AGE_BY_SEX_HISPANIC_OR_LATINO_Hispanic_or_Latino_population_Median_age_Female TOTAL_POPULATION_Total_population_Total
0 10010201001 730 293 10 26 6 9 0 0 0 30 9 30 24 13 21 40 2 4 15 15 19 16 4 0 0 437 7 6 18 34 8 30 6 30 0 30 44 6 8 57 62 5 8 3 25 16 3 16 15 43.3 43.4 40.9 40.8 45.0 37.9 54.5 NaN 54.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 38.5 NaN NaN 40.2 44.6 37.9 NaN NaN NaN 730
1 10010201002 1263 614 24 29 58 23 57 14 0 34 22 42 30 48 29 71 62 16 0 5 0 14 5 10 21 649 74 25 65 0 0 10 0 37 24 43 49 32 52 67 60 23 11 2 31 31 6 7 0 38.2 35.4 39.7 38.3 35.7 39.5 53.8 51.9 59.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.2 19.6 NaN 38.1 37.0 38.6 NaN NaN NaN 1263
2 10010202001 835 393 40 69 16 36 7 0 7 3 12 17 7 24 29 24 28 4 11 14 8 25 12 0 0 442 12 20 21 42 7 0 5 7 31 19 47 55 12 11 21 3 24 14 7 22 40 16 6 38.7 33.7 41.6 34.1 34.8 31.4 41.2 18.5 41.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.5 7.5 NaN 34.7 34.8 31.9 65.6 NaN 65.6 835
3 10010202002 1124 665 39 46 29 14 8 0 0 42 87 80 47 60 83 65 27 24 3 0 6 0 5 0 0 459 8 9 13 5 0 18 19 14 20 23 16 43 38 41 38 16 29 15 13 20 7 6 48 42.9 34.3 50.4 39.6 39.4 40.2 44.1 33.8 59.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 33.5 NaN NaN 39.6 39.4 40.2 NaN NaN NaN 1124
4 10010203001 2774 1423 20 143 121 27 27 18 16 51 144 143 85 79 95 107 120 38 8 10 20 106 30 0 15 1351 35 115 99 53 4 0 0 35 101 117 111 123 56 78 154 24 36 0 26 54 68 35 27 37.3 36.3 40.1 37.9 37.6 40.7 41.2 46.1 40.7 NaN NaN NaN 33.4 NaN 33.4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.8 27.5 28.5 10.9 10.6 NaN 37.9 37.6 40.7 27.8 27.5 28.5 2774
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
220328 560459511001 1450 734 76 44 49 23 0 0 0 18 66 38 27 29 50 20 36 84 26 27 12 20 22 27 40 716 67 24 49 36 6 0 15 16 31 25 44 25 77 36 27 55 46 21 9 31 28 36 12 45.3 43.7 45.6 45.9 46.6 45.6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.4 5.6 61.5 45.8 46.2 45.6 NaN NaN NaN 1450
220329 560459511002 1844 1116 14 25 64 0 61 46 2 14 23 115 90 44 87 77 133 54 60 24 109 54 20 0 0 728 19 65 48 0 9 20 0 0 29 38 42 22 29 120 59 9 59 12 9 65 20 35 19 50.5 47.3 52.3 50.5 47.3 52.3 55.8 55.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN 64.2 64.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.7 19.7 NaN 51.5 47.9 52.3 33.8 33.8 NaN 1844
220330 560459513001 1314 712 42 98 0 76 15 0 14 0 84 38 85 62 22 28 21 13 23 18 12 0 43 9 9 602 66 70 19 11 8 0 21 0 48 33 54 41 34 13 36 15 31 16 10 8 11 46 11 35.5 34.4 38.3 35.8 34.9 38.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 35.8 34.9 38.3 NaN NaN NaN 1314
220331 560459513002 1164 553 47 17 0 30 15 0 13 54 45 22 11 18 14 81 16 18 30 14 21 7 41 32 7 611 21 29 29 16 8 0 13 40 19 68 10 57 8 37 26 6 31 18 22 60 45 17 31 44.5 45.6 43.8 46.0 45.6 48.3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 46.2 46.0 48.2 NaN NaN NaN 1164
220332 560459513003 1277 604 15 130 0 17 0 0 0 33 0 26 52 48 45 43 22 60 20 7 57 29 0 0 0 673 26 88 0 32 5 5 0 29 36 50 67 27 19 12 53 56 51 19 40 17 21 0 20 41.6 44.2 40.0 41.6 44.2 40.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 41.4 44.2 39.8 NaN NaN NaN 1277

220333 rows × 84 columns

Generate Simplified Meta CSV File

Having high quality metadata is paramount, it helps one understand the dataset. Here it was best to to derive my own metadata files from the Census metadata, as the census metadata was rather dense. This simple-meta-all-labels.csv allows me to quickly parse over the variables I'm most interested with my eyes. I map the table_id to B0xxxxx values and write to simple-meta-all-labels.csv CSV file.

simple_meta_df = pd.DataFrame(current_meta_df.table_id.copy())
tmp_df = current_meta_df.fillna('')

all_labels_list = list(tmp_df.field_level_2 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_3 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_4 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_5 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_6 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_7 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_8 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_9 + " " + tmp_df.field_level_10)
all_labels_list = [x.strip() for x in all_labels_list]
all_labels_list = [x.strip('"') for x in all_labels_list]
all_labels_list = [x.replace(',',"") for x in all_labels_list]
all_labels_list = [x.replace(")","") for x in all_labels_list]
all_labels_list = [x.replace("(","") for x in all_labels_list]
all_labels_list = [x.replace(" ","_") for x in all_labels_list]

simple_meta_df.insert(loc=1, column='simple_meta', value=all_labels_list)
simple_meta_df.sort_values("table_id", inplace=True)
simple_meta_df.to_csv(data_outdir / "simple-meta-all-labels.csv", index=False)

Methods: PopulationGenerator Package

PopulationGenerator Class

The PopulationGenerator samples from the census data for a given population size and census block group, taken as arguments to the instantiated class.

The Population Generator uses a multinomial distribution for sampling and instantiates a Person for each individual generated in the the population.

from scipy.stats import multinomial

class PopulationGenerator():
    A population generator class based on census distribution data

        census_block_group (list-like) optional: 1 or more census block groups in a list, can be exact cbg or parital to match all 'like'
        year (int): 4 digit integer year

        PopulationGenerator Object: Returning value

    def __init__(self, census_block_group=None, year=0000, like=False):
        self.census_block_group = census_block_group
        self.year = year
        #TODO: house df of interest here?
        # self.current_data_df
        # self.current_meta_df
        self.gender_age_df = pd.DataFrame()
        self.gender_age_labels = list()
        self._count = -1

    def count(self):
        """Getter Method"""
        self._count += 1
        return self._count

    # @count.setter
    # def count(self):
    #     self._count = 
    def selectData(self):

    def cleanData(self):

    def getGenderAge(self, census_block_group=None):
        #get only gender and age
        gender_age_df = current_data_df.filter(like="SEX_BY_AGE")

        #get labels for data
        gender_age_labels = list(gender_age_df.columns)

        #add census_block_group to labels so we can filter the df and use census_block_group as index
        gender_age_labels.insert(0, "census_block_group")

        #use census_block_group as index
        gender_age_df = current_data_df.filter(gender_age_labels)
        gender_age_df.set_index("census_block_group", inplace=True)

        #make labels a one-to-one map to label gender_age_probList
        remove_labels = ["census_block_group","SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male", "SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female", "SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total"]
        for d in remove_labels:

        #build probility list for multinomial distribution
        gender_age_probList = list()
        for x in gender_age_labels:
            gender_age_probList.append(gender_age_df.at[census_block_group, x]/gender_age_df.SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total.at[census_block_group])

        #must be same length
        assert(len(gender_age_probList) == len(gender_age_labels))
        self.gender_age_df = gender_age_df
        self.gender_age_labels = gender_age_labels
        return gender_age_probList, gender_age_labels

    def generatePopulation(self, population_size, census_block_group=None, like=False):
        Generators population based on params

            population_size (int): population size of each census_block_group in list
            census_block_group (list-like) optional: census block groups, overide class self.census_block_group

            population (list): Returns a list of Persons() generated
        population = list()

        if like is True:
            #create a list... from 'like' first numbers in census_block_group in gender_age_df... scoop for gender_age_df is in other function
        if census_block_group is None and self.census_block_group is None:
            print("Please Provide census_block_group Param")
        elif census_block_group is None:
            cbg = self.census_block_group
            cbg = census_block_group
        for c in cbg:
            gender_age_probList, gender_age_labels = self.getGenderAge(census_block_group=c)
            rv_gender_age = multinomial.rvs(population_size, gender_age_probList)
            print(f'\n[i] Generated Population:\n{rv_gender_age}\n[i] Labels:\n{gender_age_labels}\n[i] Block Group:\n{c}\n[i] Probibility List:\n{gender_age_probList}\n[i] Population Size:\n{population_size}\n')
            for i,x in enumerate(rv_gender_age): 
                [population.append(Person(gender_age=gender_age_labels[i], census_block_group=c, uuid=self.count)) for _ in range(x)]
            #assert(len(population) == population_size)
        return population


Person Class

The Person class contains demographic, geographic, and mobility data for each person in the population.

class Person():
    A basic person class to hold census distribution data

    def __init__(self, uuid, gender_age=None, race=None, height=None, weight=None, census_block_group=None):
        self.baseline = { #sampleFromJointDistribution() https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=United%20States&tid=ACSDP1Y2019.DP05
            'gender_age': gender_age,
            'race': race,
            'height': height, #meters
            'weight': weight, #kg
            'census_block_group' : census_block_group,
            'uuid' : uuid
        self.activity = {}
        self.location = {}
        self.exposure = {}
        self.mobility = {}

        #Reinforcement Learning Parameters
        self.state = None
        self.observation = None

Results: Sample the Census Distribution using PopulationGenerator Class

This function will return a population of 100 individuals from two census block groups in Pensacola, Florida. Census Block Group 120330036071 is the University of West Florida Campus in Pensacola and Census Block Group 12033000100 is Downtown Pensacola.

Census Block Group 120330036071, University of West Florida

University of West Florida

Census Block Group 12033000100, Downtown Pensacola

Downtown Pensacola

PopulationGenerator Usage

Here you can see the instantiation of the PopulationGenerator as pg which calls the generatePopulation method that takes in a population size and a list of census block groups, the population is returned to local_population.

The output shows the generated population of the census block group used, the associated gender age labels for the population. The output also shows the block group used, as well as the probabilities associated with each gender age joint distribution group.

Finally, the output shows the resulting gender age attributes of person zero in the population.

pg = PopulationGenerator()

local_population = pg.generatePopulation(population_size=100, census_block_group=[120330001001, 120330036071])
[i] Generated Population:
[ 3  3  0  3  0  0  0  2  5  0  2  1  7  4  4  4  2  1  8  2  0  0  0  0
  3  1  1  0  0  0  1  1 14  0  3  2  1  2  2  3  2  3  1  2  0  7]
[i] Labels:
['SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_Under_5_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_5_to_9_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_10_to_14_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_15_to_17_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_18_and_19_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_20_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_21_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_22_to_24_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_25_to_29_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_30_to_34_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_35_to_39_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_40_to_44_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_45_to_49_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_50_to_54_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_55_to_59_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_60_and_61_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_62_to_64_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_65_and_66_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_67_to_69_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_70_to_74_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_75_to_79_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_80_to_84_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_85_years_and_over', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_Under_5_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_5_to_9_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_10_to_14_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_15_to_17_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_18_and_19_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_20_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_21_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_22_to_24_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_25_to_29_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_30_to_34_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_35_to_39_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_40_to_44_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_45_to_49_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_50_to_54_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_55_to_59_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_60_and_61_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_62_to_64_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_65_and_66_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_67_to_69_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_70_to_74_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_75_to_79_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_80_to_84_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_85_years_and_over']
[i] Block Group:
[i] Probibility List:
[0.01407035175879397, 0.034170854271356785, 0.011055276381909548, 0.016080402010050253, 0.0, 0.0, 0.008040201005025126, 0.036180904522613064, 0.033165829145728645, 0.0, 0.018090452261306532, 0.031155778894472363, 0.044221105527638194, 0.05125628140703518, 0.04221105527638191, 0.04522613065326633, 0.019095477386934675, 0.008040201005025126, 0.035175879396984924, 0.022110552763819097, 0.006030150753768844, 0.0, 0.003015075376884422, 0.019095477386934675, 0.02814070351758794, 0.022110552763819097, 0.009045226130653266, 0.0, 0.007035175879396985, 0.0, 0.021105527638190954, 0.011055276381909548, 0.09346733668341708, 0.0, 0.04120603015075377, 0.03919597989949749, 0.011055276381909548, 0.018090452261306532, 0.020100502512562814, 0.02613065326633166, 0.010050251256281407, 0.023115577889447236, 0.036180904522613064, 0.019095477386934675, 0.004020100502512563, 0.062311557788944726]
[i] Population Size:

[i] Generated Population:
[ 0  5  0  1 11 10  1  5  2  0  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  3  0  1  1  0  1  0
  0  0  1 17  4  7  7  0  0  2  0  3  0  0  1  0  3  2  2  0  5  2]
[i] Labels:
['SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_Under_5_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_5_to_9_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_10_to_14_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_15_to_17_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_18_and_19_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_20_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_21_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_22_to_24_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_25_to_29_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_30_to_34_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_35_to_39_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_40_to_44_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_45_to_49_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_50_to_54_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_55_to_59_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_60_and_61_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_62_to_64_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_65_and_66_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_67_to_69_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_70_to_74_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_75_to_79_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_80_to_84_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_85_years_and_over', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_Under_5_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_5_to_9_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_10_to_14_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_15_to_17_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_18_and_19_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_20_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_21_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_22_to_24_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_25_to_29_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_30_to_34_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_35_to_39_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_40_to_44_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_45_to_49_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_50_to_54_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_55_to_59_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_60_and_61_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_62_to_64_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_65_and_66_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_67_to_69_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_70_to_74_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_75_to_79_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_80_to_84_years', 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_85_years_and_over']
[i] Block Group:
[i] Probibility List:
[0.0, 0.02280701754385965, 0.0023391812865497076, 0.002631578947368421, 0.08187134502923976, 0.03625730994152047, 0.0412280701754386, 0.05175438596491228, 0.026900584795321637, 0.00029239766081871346, 0.003801169590643275, 0.0061403508771929825, 0.0011695906432748538, 0.0023391812865497076, 0.004678362573099415, 0.0, 0.010818713450292398, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0061403508771929825, 0.017251461988304094, 0.005847953216374269, 0.004678362573099415, 0.04239766081871345, 0.003216374269005848, 0.004970760233918129, 0.007017543859649123, 0.006432748538011696, 0.17017543859649123, 0.05584795321637427, 0.04327485380116959, 0.06900584795321638, 0.011111111111111112, 0.00935672514619883, 0.013742690058479532, 0.005263157894736842, 0.016374269005847954, 0.004093567251461989, 0.00760233918128655, 0.004678362573099415, 0.003801169590643275, 0.011988304093567251, 0.021052631578947368, 0.030994152046783626, 0.011695906432748537, 0.030116959064327486, 0.07631578947368421]
[i] Population Size:

{'gender_age': 'SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_Under_5_years',
 'race': None,
 'height': None,
 'weight': None,
 'census_block_group': 120330001001,
 'uuid': 0}

Histogram Gender and Age Joint Distributions across entire United States

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#set style
sns.set_theme(style="darkgrid", palette="twilight_shifted_r")
sns.set(rc={"figure.figsize": (12, 8)})

#plot histogram data
tmp_df = pg.gender_age_df.drop(columns=["SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male", "SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female", "SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total"])

tmp_male_df = tmp_df.iloc[:, :23]
tmp_female_df = tmp_df.iloc[:,23:]
tmp_male_dfT = tmp_male_df.T
tmp_female_dfT = tmp_female_df.T
tmp_male_dfT_sum = pd.DataFrame(tmp_male_dfT.sum(axis=1))
tmp_female_dfT_sum = pd.DataFrame(tmp_female_dfT.sum(axis=1))
age_bins = [5, 9, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 61, 64, 66, 69, 74, 79, 84, 85]
tmp_male_dfT_sum['age'] = age_bins
tmp_female_dfT_sum['age'] = age_bins
tmp_male_dfT_sum.rename(columns={0:'count'}, inplace=True)
tmp_female_dfT_sum.rename(columns={0:'count'}, inplace=True)

fig, (axm, axf) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
fig.suptitle('US 2019 Gender Age Histogram')

#Plot histogram for Male
sns.histplot(ax=axm, x=age_bins, weights=list(tmp_male_dfT_sum["count"]), bins=age_bins, kde=True)
axm.set(xlabel='Age Bins', title='Male Population by Age')

#Plot histogram for Females
sns.histplot(ax=axf, x=age_bins, weights=list(tmp_female_dfT_sum["count"]), bins=age_bins, kde=True)
axf.set(xlabel='Age Bins', title='Female Population by Age')
[Text(0.5, 0, 'Age Bins'), Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Female Population by Age')]

In the above plot one can see the gender and age distribution across the United States as recorded by the 2019 Census, it has a mixture of distributions with drop offs in the 20-30 range and great that age 60 range. This drop off in in the 20-30 age range may be explained by lack of participation in the Census Survey rather than actual population decline.

2019 PUMA Data Processing

Now that the Census data has been incorporated into the PopulationGenerator and tested, we can add in another dataset. The Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) is a 1-Year and 5-Year dataset from the Census Bureau's, this will be used to estimate a joint distribution of age, gender and race.

Ingest Census Tract to PUMA Mapping Files

In order to correlate the data from the PUMS dataset and the Census data, we need to map the locations of each defined geographic location as the PUMS and the Census use different definitions for location. The PUMS are relatively large land masses called PUMA of ~100,000 people, where as the Census Block Groups are on the order of 100s or 1000s of people. This makes a PUMA contain many Census Block Groups.

  • census tract code is 11 digits, appending last digit identifies a unique census block group (cbg)
  • all cbg that is part of a census tract (ct) is also part of the associated puma
  • puma are relatively large landmass areas compared to tracts and cbg, no less than 100,000 people
#keep leading zeros in csv, later strip for STATEFP
dtype_dic = {'STATEFP' : str,
             'COUNTYFP' : str,
             'TRACTCE' : str,
             'PUMA5CE' : str}

#read in puma ct map file with dtype str
ct_puma_df = pd.read_csv(census_tract_to_puma_file, dtype=dtype_dic) #, index_col='STATEFP')

# strip leading zero for 'STATEFP' and 'full_fips_ct to match census_block_group in census csv coding
ct_puma_df.STATEFP = ct_puma_df.STATEFP.str.lstrip('0')

Map Census Block Group into PUMA

  • pensacola metro area is puma 03301 and 03302
  • pensacola metro area census tracts are 120330
  • escambia county is state code 12 + county code 033 making 12,033 in ct to puma csv and puma 3301
florida_state_fips_code = "12"
pensacola_metro_df = ct_puma_df[((ct_puma_df["PUMA5CE"] == "03301") | (ct_puma_df["PUMA5CE"] == "03302")) & (ct_puma_df.STATEFP == "12")].copy() #make .copy() to squalsh view warning messages
pensacola_metro_df["full_fips_ct"] = pensacola_metro_df.STATEFP + pensacola_metro_df.COUNTYFP + pensacola_metro_df.TRACTCE
pensacola_metro_df.to_csv(data_outdir / "pensacola-metro-area-2010-census-tract-to-2010-puma.csv", index=False)

#get a list of census tracts from pensacola metro area
full_fips_ct_list = list(pensacola_metro_df.full_fips_ct)

tmp_pg_df = pg.gender_age_df
tmp_pg_df['census_block_group'] = pg.gender_age_df.index
tmp_pg_df['census_block_group'] = tmp_pg_df.census_block_group.astype("string") #convert column to "string" not str...

found_pcola_cbg_df = pd.DataFrame()
found_pcola_cbg_df = pd.concat([tmp_pg_df[tmp_pg_df.census_block_group.str.contains(ct)] for ct in full_fips_ct_list])

print("All Census Block Groups that make up Escambia County")
All Census Block Groups that make up Escambia County
SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_Under_5_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_5_to_9_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_10_to_14_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_15_to_17_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_18_and_19_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_20_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_21_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_22_to_24_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_25_to_29_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_30_to_34_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_35_to_39_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_40_to_44_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_45_to_49_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_50_to_54_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_55_to_59_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_60_and_61_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_62_to_64_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_65_and_66_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_67_to_69_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_70_to_74_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_75_to_79_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_80_to_84_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Male_85_years_and_over SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_Under_5_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_5_to_9_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_10_to_14_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_15_to_17_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_18_and_19_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_20_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_21_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_22_to_24_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_25_to_29_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_30_to_34_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_35_to_39_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_40_to_44_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_45_to_49_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_50_to_54_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_55_to_59_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_60_and_61_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_62_to_64_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_65_and_66_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_67_to_69_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_70_to_74_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_75_to_79_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_80_to_84_years SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total_Female_85_years_and_over census_block_group
120330011031 933 407 13 66 61 14 0 0 0 10 21 20 20 42 19 37 11 13 11 0 5 19 13 0 12 526 10 20 66 16 0 0 12 26 43 43 49 24 30 32 7 26 40 14 0 13 37 6 12 120330011031
120330011032 1635 682 35 18 81 0 19 0 0 22 44 34 25 24 43 36 86 31 47 24 17 42 6 16 32 953 39 79 87 49 0 24 37 40 24 66 58 15 67 28 97 60 50 31 18 24 13 27 20 120330011032
120330032031 1103 483 0 78 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 21 16 25 51 30 28 31 42 13 34 8 30 35 19 620 0 49 56 0 19 0 0 19 15 32 5 17 7 7 8 25 24 9 42 27 67 94 98 120330032031
120330032032 2793 1262 113 0 111 21 8 0 17 39 92 15 21 106 82 172 110 46 98 55 30 71 30 25 0 1531 90 57 27 35 14 1 56 138 77 33 86 0 106 229 52 62 69 55 85 121 65 52 21 120330032032
120330032033 1006 505 18 41 76 0 0 0 0 10 18 20 15 24 36 9 0 0 44 3 49 37 58 33 14 501 16 46 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 8 29 18 11 16 22 11 28 20 61 23 55 51 70 120330032033
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
120330033091 1078 389 111 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 22 53 0 0 0 102 0 60 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 689 0 138 86 0 16 44 0 0 22 81 0 0 128 39 0 0 29 0 0 30 63 0 13 120330033091
120330033092 2109 875 44 40 99 0 24 19 0 0 16 63 57 156 116 102 67 0 0 13 12 47 0 0 0 1234 0 0 42 181 53 0 0 72 20 64 107 112 174 48 48 29 17 45 12 30 56 110 14 120330033092
120330033093 1827 1061 45 140 75 47 0 0 0 59 42 162 50 64 43 0 44 0 80 11 63 56 52 28 0 766 46 37 20 0 0 16 0 16 55 15 55 134 40 30 48 0 108 0 40 52 26 28 0 120330033093
120330033094 1583 975 312 0 0 38 0 0 0 120 32 128 18 16 81 0 58 46 0 0 67 30 14 15 0 608 48 0 0 13 0 0 0 105 102 48 19 16 0 55 35 0 70 55 0 28 14 0 0 120330033094
120339900000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120339900000

191 rows × 50 columns

In the above output one can see all Census Block Groups that make up Escambia County, which map directly to the 2 PUMA areas in Escambia County.

print(f'Population of Pensacola Metro per Census 2019: {found_pcola_cbg_df.SEX_BY_AGE_Total_population_Total.sum()}')
Population of Pensacola Metro per Census 2019: 313491

USA Total Population, Compare 1 Year PUMs, 5 Year PUMs and the 2019 Census

After mapping all Pensacola Metro cbg to the puma. A quick total population summation is as follows:

Total US Population: 1-year pums, psam_p12.csv, PUMA 3301 and 3302 Weighted Population (PWGTP) is

Note: Pensacola Metro Area: 317,794

Total US Population: 5-year pums total population:

Note: Pensacola Metro Area: 313,542

Total US Population: 2019 Census

Note: Pensacola Metro Area: 313,491

One can see the total population of Escambia County across three datasets is relatively the same, this serves as a good sanity check when cross-validating data and data processing.


As a result of this work, one can utilize the PopulationGenerator class generate a statistically accurate population of gender and age by location. The demographic data used to generate the population in the 2019 Census and the 2019 5-Year PUMS datasets. More attributes and demographics will be add to the Person class such as, race, mobility data and reinforcement learning parameters.